Discrete, confidential and qualified HR support and advisory services exclusively for CEOs and Acting CEOs
With extensive career experience reporting directly to 5 CEOs/Managing Directors, as well as People and Remuneration board sub committees, I can provide Chief Executive Officers and Acting CEOs with expert guidance and advice on a range of HR matters. This includes the following:
- Board papers on HR and People & Culture related matters
- Assistance with drafting sensitive HR related email and other communication/correspondence
- HR Strategy development linked to organisational strategy and strategic goals
- Executive level termination and exit
- Strategic and tactical advice on sensitive people issues at CEO level
- Guidance on managing direct reports and/or key stakeholders with outdated (‘dinosaur’) styles of leadership
- HR 101 – ‘right people in the right roles’ (and how to respond when someone in your team is holding themselves out to perform a role that they are not qualified or competent to occupy)
- Grievance management and conflict resolution
- Specifically tailored HR advice for Acting CEOs
- Expert HR guidance and advice designed for newly appointed CEOs
- Executive coaching and mentoring services
- HR advisory services during periods of transition of your in-house HR leader
- Investigations and associated fact finding exercises
- Executive level recruitment (including Chief People Officer, HR Director, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer)
- Workforce planning and structure
- Restructure and redundancy
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Hybrid/Work from home policy and process including ‘right to disconnect’
- Enterprise Bargaining strategy, negotiation and consultation.
Corporate Governance and Board Related
- Preparation of board briefing papers for Directors on key people and culture matters
- People and Remuneration sub committee meetings
- Joint board and executive team strategy development activities
- Skills matrix development and review
- Annual risk register review including identification of risks/controls/ratings in the people and culture space.
I can also connect with you with an expert network of associated professionals.
Whether you are an established CEO or are new to the CEO role, contact us today for confidential guidance and advice unique to the most senior leadership role.